6 Eco-Friendly Practices for Your Smart Board

By  Promark Techsolutions

07 Feb,2024

Adjust Brightness and Settings

Smart boards often come with default settings that are brighter than necessary. Dimming the screen brightness can significantly reduce energy consumption.

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Utilise Natural Light Whenever Possible

Take advantage of natural daylight whenever possible instead of relying solely on artificial lighting. Open blinds or curtains and position the smart board strategically to maximise natural light exposure.

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Power Down When Not in Use

It might seem like a no-brainer, but many forget to turn off smart boards when they're not being used. Consider unplugging the board if it won't be used for an extended period.

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Clean the Screen Regularly

Dust and grime buildup on the screen can reduce its efficiency and require higher brightness settings to be visible. Regularly clean the screen with a microfiber cloth and appropriate cleaning solution to maintain optimal performance and minimise energy consumption.

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Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

Ensure your smart board is well-maintained to prolong its lifespan. Regular maintenance reduces the need for premature replacements, preventing electronic waste.

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Embrace Energy-Saving Features

Many smart boards come equipped with energy-saving features. Explore the settings menu and enable options like motion detection, which automatically puts the board into sleep mode when no one is around.

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