Reduce Your Smart Board's Energy Bill 8 Practical Tips for Savings

Reduce Your Smart Board’s Energy Bill: 8 Practical Tips for Savings

In today’s tech-driven classrooms, smart boards have become essential tools for interactive learning and collaboration. But their bright displays and constant power draw can translate to hefty energy bills for schools and businesses. While these innovative tools offer undeniable benefits, it’s crucial to consider their environmental impact and operational costs.

The good news is that by implementing some simple changes, you can significantly reduce your smart board’s energy consumption and shrink your electricity bill. By adopting these eco-friendly practices, you’ll be contributing to a greener environment and creating a more sustainable learning space.

The Cost of Bright Ideas:

Smart boards typically consume more energy than traditional whiteboards or projectors. Factors like screen size, brightness settings, and usage patterns influence their overall energy consumption. Studies estimate that a single smart board can use up to 1,000 watts per hour, adding up significantly over extended periods. Additionally, schools and businesses often have multiple smart boards, further amplifying the potential environmental and financial impact.

8 Practical Tips for Savings with Promark’s Smart Board:

Now let’s delve into specific strategies you can implement to reduce your smart board’s energy footprint:

1. Embrace the Power of Dimming:

Most smart boards come with default brightness settings that are often higher than necessary. By dimming the screen by even 20%, you can achieve significant energy savings without sacrificing visibility. Encourage teachers and students to adjust the brightness based on ambient light conditions and content being displayed.

2. Harness the Sun’s Power:

Whenever possible, leverage natural light instead of relying solely on artificial lighting. Open blinds or curtains and strategically position the smart board to maximise natural light exposure. This simple step can significantly reduce the need for artificial lighting, especially during daytime hours.

3. Power Down, Don’t Be a Power Hog:

It seems obvious, but it’s worth emphasising: turn off smart boards when they’re not in use. Develop a culture of responsible energy use by encouraging everyone to power down the boards after lessons, presentations, or during breaks. Consider implementing automatic shut-off timers for added assurance.

4. Unleash the Energy-Saving Features:

Many smart boards come equipped with energy-saving features like motion detection. This technology automatically puts the board into sleep mode when no one is around, reducing unnecessary energy consumption during idle periods. Explore your smart board’s settings and enable these features to optimise energy efficiency.

5. Keep it Clean for Optimal Performance:

Dust and grime buildup on the screen can impact its efficiency and require higher brightness settings for clear visibility. Regularly cleaning the screen with a microfiber cloth and appropriate cleaning solution ensures optimal performance and minimises energy consumption. A clean board is a happy (and more energy-efficient) board!

6. Upgrade Wisely, Invest in Efficiency:

If you’re in the market for a new smart board, prioritise energy efficiency when making your choice. Look for models with Energy Star certification or other eco-friendly labels. While the initial cost might be slightly higher, the long-term energy savings and environmental benefits can be significant. Choose a board that’s smart on both features and energy use.

7. Go Digital, Save Paper (and Trees):

Smart boards are a powerful tool for promoting paperless learning. Utilise digital resources for lesson plans, presentations, and student work whenever possible. This not only reduces paper waste but also eliminates the energy associated with paper production and disposal. Every sheet saved is a step towards a greener future!

8. Manually startup OPS

Looking to reduce your classroom’s environmental footprint and energy costs? While manually starting your Promark’s Smart Board’s OPS system might not be your daily routine, remember, every watt saved counts

Dim the lights, choose the right with Promark’s Smart Boards

Smart boards illuminate learning like never before. But with great brightness comes great responsibility – the responsibility to choose eco-friendly solutions that empower education while safeguarding our planet. That’s where Promethean’s Smart Boards come in, offering a powerful blend of innovative features and a commitment to sustainability.


By implementing these practical tips and fostering a culture of responsible energy use, you can significantly reduce your smart board’s energy consumption and save money on your electricity bill. Remember, every little bit counts! By making small changes today, we can create a more sustainable learning environment for future generations and contribute to a greener tomorrow. So, let’s embrace smart boards while being mindful of their environmental impact. Dim the lights, harness the sun, power down responsibly, and encourage sustainable practices. Together, we can light up the future while keeping it bright for everyone!

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