Difference Between Smart Classroom and Traditional Classroom

By Promark Techsolutions

31 Jan,2024

Smart Classroom

Central to learning, with interactive whiteboards, tablets, laptops, etc

Traditional Classroom

Limited technology use, mainly projectors for whiteboards

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Smart Classroom

Active learning, with students engaging, collaborating, and solving problems

Traditional Classroom

Passive learning, with students receiving information from the teacher

Photo Credit: Pexels

Smart Classroom

Equipped with assistive technologies for diverse learning needs

Traditional Classroom

Limited accessibility features

Photo Credit: Pexels

Smart Classroom

Encouraged through online platforms, shared documents, and interactive activities

Traditional Classroom

Mainly happens in small groups or teacher-led discussions

Photo Credit: Pexels

Smart Classroom

Facilitated through virtual connections with experts and peers worldwide

Traditional Classroom

Focuses on local contexts and resources

Photo Credit: Pexels

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