Interactive flat panel display (IFPD) are large touchscreens that allow users to interact with digital content in a more engaging. They are commonly used in classrooms, boardrooms, and other collaborative settings for presentations, video conferencing, interactive learning, and group discussions. 

Interactive Flat Panel Display can also be powerful tools for enhancing the business performance, as they can help increase sales and revenue, two key indicators of business success. Sales are the proceeds a company generates from selling goods or services to customers, while revenue is the total income a company generates from its core operations before any expenses are subtracted from the calculation. 

How IFPDs can help increase sales and revenue, by improving the customer experience, boosting the employee productivity, and promoting the brand image. We will also provide some practical tips and examples for using IFPDs to increase sales and revenue in various industries and contexts.

How IFPDs Can Improve the Customer Experience

One of the main benefits of using IFPDs is that they can improve the customer experience, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Customer experience is the perception and feeling that customers have when they interact with a company, its products, or its services. A positive customer experience can influence customers’ purchasing decisions, referrals, and reviews. 

IFPDs can improve the customer experience in various ways, such as:

  • Providing interactive and personalized content that can capture customers’ attention, interest, and preference. For example, IFPDs can display dynamic and customized advertisements, promotions, and recommendations based on customers’ profiles, behaviours, and feedback. 
  • Providing interactive and immersive demonstrations that can showcase the features, benefits, and value of the products or services. For example, IFPDs can display 3D models, videos, and simulations that can allow customers to see, hear, and feel the products or services in action. 
  • Providing interactive and convenient transactions that can simplify and streamline the purchasing process. For example, IFPDs can display QR codes, NFC tags, and payment options that can allow customers to scan, tap, and pay with their smartphones or other devices. 

How IFPDs Can Boost the Employee Productivity

Another benefit of using IFPDs is that they can boost the employee productivity, which can lead to higher efficiency, quality, and profitability. Employee productivity is the measure of how much output an employee can produce in each period. A high employee productivity can indicate a high level of performance, competence, and motivation. 

IFPDs can boost the employee productivity in various ways, such as:

  • Providing interactive and collaborative tools that can enhance the communication, coordination, and cooperation among employees. For example, IFPDs can enable video conferencing, screen sharing, and whiteboarding that can allow employees to exchange information, ideas, and feedback in real time. 
  •  Providing interactive and intelligent tools that can assist the decision making, problem solving, and innovation among employees. For example, IFPDs can provide data analysis, visualization, and presentation that can allow employees to access, process, and communicate relevant and reliable data. 
  • Providing interactive and motivational tools that can improve the learning, development, and engagement among employees. For example, IFPDs can provide gamification, recognition, and rewards that can allow employees to learn new skills, achieve goals, and receive feedback. 

How IFPDs Can Promote the Brand Image

A third benefit of using IFPDs is that they can promote the brand image, which can lead to higher reputation, awareness, and differentiation. Brand image is the impression and association that customers and other stakeholders have when they encounter a company, its products, or its services. A positive brand image can influence customers’ trust, loyalty, and advocacy. 

IFPDs can promote the brand image in various ways, such as:

  • Providing interactive and attractive content that can convey the brand identity, personality, and values. For example, IFPDs can display logos, slogans, and stories that can reflect the brand’s vision, mission, and culture. 
  • Providing interactive and innovative content that can demonstrate the brand’s expertise, quality, and value. For example, IFPDs can display testimonials, reviews, and awards that can highlight the brand’s achievements, credentials, and recognition. 
  • Providing interactive and social content that can engage the brand’s community, network, and partners. For example, IFPDs can display social media, blogs, and podcasts that can connect the brand with its customers, employees, and influencers. 

Tips and Examples for Using IFPDs to Increase Sales and Revenue

Here are some tips and examples for using IFPDs to increase sales and revenue in various industries and contexts:

  • Retail: Use IFPDs to create interactive and personalized shopping experiences that can attract, retain, and delight customers. For example, use IFPDs to display digital signage, kiosks, and mirrors that can provide customers with product information, recommendations, and feedback. 
  • Hospitality: Use IFPDs to create interactive and immersive hospitality experiences that can impress, satisfy, and surprise customers. For example, use IFPDs to display menus, maps, and guides that can provide customers with food and beverage options, directions, and tips. 
  • Education: Use IFPDs to create interactive and collaborative learning experiences that can educate, inspire, and empower students. For example, use IFPDs to display lessons, quizzes, and games that can provide students with knowledge, skills, and feedback. 
  • Healthcare: Use IFPDs to create interactive and intelligent healthcare experiences that can inform, assist, and support patients and providers. For example, use IFPDs to display diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes that can provide patients and providers with health information, advice, and results. 


IFPDs are versatile and powerful devices that can enhance the business performance by increasing sales and revenue, two key indicators of business success. By using IFPDs to improve the customer experience, boost the employee productivity, and promote the brand image, entrepreneurs and managers can achieve higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, higher efficiency, quality, and profitability, and higher reputation, awareness, and differentiation.