Traditional Whiteboard

A traditional whiteboard is a large white surface that is used for writing and drawing in the classroom. Educators use chalks or markers for writing on this whiteboard. These traditional boards come in 2 types: black boards and whiteboards. The blackboards are the black large surface and whiteboards are the white in surface. Educators can write using colourful or white chalks on blackboard and use duster to rub the board. On the other hand the educators use black markers on whiteboards for writing and can use a dry cloth or duster for rubbing the board. These traditional whiteboards or blackboards have too many limitations as compared to interactive whiteboards. 

Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard (IWB), also known as an interactive board or smart board, is a large display board resembling a whiteboard. We can also say that it is an electronic touch screen display that can help to enhance the education and classroom experience. It can function independently as a touchscreen computer, allowing users to interact with content using touch gestures or physical interactive pens. Interactive Whiteboard enhances collaboration, Multisensory Learning, Environmentally Friendly. Educators can use interactive whiteboards the same as traditional boards. They can write, draw or present something on the screen by touch on the panel. This interactive whiteboard has many other advanced features available like: educators can use 3d shapes, they can use the internet, educators can access the digital notes at any time. This interactive whiteboard or smart board comes in many different sizes. Educators can choose the size according to their classroom dimensions. 

Reasons in favour of using interactive whiteboard

Interactive whiteboards offer several benefits in the classroom. Let’s explore some compelling reasons to use them:

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Interactive whiteboards improve student engagement by allowing teachers to present content using a mix of media (photos, videos, audio files) and keep students invested in the material.
  2. Collaboration and Teamwork: Students can physically interact with content on interactive whiteboards. Clear communication is crucial for effective teamwork. Students should understand their roles, responsibilities, and team goals. Group collaboration projects are easy and become more engaging, and students can work together on tasks or assignments. 
  3. Resource Digitization: Teachers can digitise existing resources like textbooks, worksheets, and lesson plans, Google Slides, PDF worksheets and display them on interactive whiteboards to make them more engaging and accessible to students.This eliminates the need for printing and makes materials easily accessible to students.
  4. Real-Time Digital Note-Taking: Interactive whiteboards allow real-time note-taking during lessons. Teachers and students can create and update digital notes as information is presented or discussed.
  5. Multimedia Capability: Teachers can incorporate video, moving diagrams,Visual Engagement and Real-World Context to explain difficult material effectively. The multimedia features of interactive whiteboards provide flexibility in conveying information

Comparison Between Traditional Whiteboard and  Interactive Whiteboard

Traditional WhiteboardInteractive Whiteboard
Marker-based writingTouch screen interaction
Analog writing surfaceDigital, interactive platform
Less expensiveGenerally more expensive
Varies based on markersBright display
Limited compatibilitySeamless integration
Limited functionalitySupports diverse software
Standard interactionCaptivates student attention

Why Interactive Whiteboards Worth the Purchase

An Interactive whiteboard like the SMART board is more than 10 times the price of a Traditional whiteboard but worth buying interactive whiteboard.

Traditional WhiteboardInteractive Whiteboard
PriceApproximately Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000 according to sizeApproximately Rs.1,50,000 to Rs.2,50,000 according to size and configurations
Size4.25’ to 6’ Tall65”, 75”, 86” and 98” 

Is It Time for Your School to Switch to an Interactive Display?

 Switching to an interactive display can offer several benefits for schools:

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Enhanced engagement is a hallmark of interactive whiteboards, as they captivate students’ attention and make learning more interactive and dynamic. Unlike traditional teaching methods that rely solely on verbal instruction or static visual aids, interactive whiteboards offer a multisensory learning experience that appeals to diverse learning styles and preferences.
  2. Multimedia Integration: Multimedia integration is a key feature of interactive whiteboards that enhances teaching and learning experiences by allowing seamless integration of various multimedia content, including videos, images, audio clips, and interactive simulations.
  3. Collaboration: Students can work together on interactive projects. Collaboration is a cornerstone of effective learning, and interactive whiteboards provide a platform for students to work together on interactive projects in innovative ways.
  4. Resource Digitization: Resource digitization is a key benefit of interactive displays, as they reduce the reliance on physical materials and offer a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative. With interactive displays, educators can digitise a wide range of teaching resources, including textbooks, worksheets, lesson plans, and multimedia content
  5. Real-Time Annotation: Real-time annotation is a powerful feature of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and some educational software that allows teachers to add notes, explanations, and highlights directly onto the digital content they are presenting during a lesson. This enhances the traditional role of a whiteboard by offering a dynamic and interactive layer of information.
  6. Versatility: Versatility is another key advantage of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) compared to traditional whiteboards. Unlike their static counterparts, IWBs are not limited to dry-erase markers and basic diagrams. Their ability to support various software and applications unlocks a whole new world of instructional possibilities.
  7. Future-Proofing: Prepares students for digital environments. Interactive whiteboards (IWBs) can play a vital role in future-proofing classrooms and preparing students for the digital environments they’ll encounter throughout their lives.


The choice between traditional whiteboard and interactive whiteboard is not a simple one. Traditional whiteboards remain a valuable tool, particularly for classrooms prioritising simplicity and affordability. However, for educators seeking to create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment, interactive whiteboards offer a wealth of possibilities. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific needs, resources, and technological comfort level of the classroom. As technology continues to evolve, both traditional and interactive whiteboards are likely to adapt and improve, offering educators an ever-growing arsenal of tools to create effective and engaging learning experiences for their students.